The Daily Start

Improve your life with just 15 minutes a day of meditation.

Daily live guided meditations—begin the day with clarity, calm and focus for just 7€ a month.


The Daily Start

Begin the day with clarity, calm and focus for just 7€ a month.

Improve your life with just 15 minutes a day of meditation.

For Success in Meditation

Start your day with live online guided meditation sessions with The Meditation Office. In The Daily Start, you will find everything you need to make meditation part of your life.

Along with the daily live guided meditations, you will also receive…


Refined Knowledge

By joining The Daily Start, you will get free access to our most popular live online workshop. The workshop will give you the necessary confidence for establishing and maintaining a habit of meditation by learning how meditation works and why it is so beneficial, based upon an explanation of cutting-edge neurobiological models.


Expert Guidance

All members of The Daily Start can join the monthly interactive online Q&A session. So much can happen when we begin meditating and we need to be able to check in with someone to see if we are on the right track. If we don’t have our concerns validated, our doubts will diminish both the quality of our practice as well as our resolve to stick with it.


Supportive Community

The Daily Start offers plenty of opportunities to experience meditation with others and discuss what matters to us. By meeting daily online with real people you will feel supported by a community. There is no better support for habit formation than the feeling of not being alone on the journey.

How It Works

  • Live online streaming

  • Monday to Friday, 8:00-8:15 CET (Central European Time, e.g. Amsterdam, Paris)

  • If you miss a session you can watch the replay within the next 24 hours

  • Monthly online Q&A

  • Free access to live introductory workshop.

7€ monthly

After the free trial, the monthly subscription of 7€ will automatically renew each month. You can cancel any time!

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 You deserve our full attention.

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Why Meditate Daily?


Reduce Stress

“Meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing with it inner peace. Even just a few minutes of meditation can restore your calm and inner peace.”

Mayo Clinic

Promote Well-being

“Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health.”

 Mayo Clinic

Increase Attention

“Meditation is like weight lifting for your attention span. It helps increase the strength and endurance of your attention.”

